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Mission & Vision
Z&A's vision is to become Europe's most renowned Greek company in the fields of consulting engineering, environmental technology and water management. In order to achieve this objective, our core values are Specialization, Integrity, and Excellence.
Our partners implement these values everyday in how they work together, stay true to their mission, and pursue the company's vision. These core values represent the firm's commitment to, and continuation of, the principles which have evolved since the founding of the firm.
Featured Projects
The overall objective of the assignment is the supervision of the construction works for the Mwomboshi Dam and appurtenant structures in accordance with the International Federation of Consulting Engineers (FIDIC) Conditions of Contract.
The overall objective of the project is a Cost Effective and Sustainable Up-scaling of Continuous (24x7) Pressured Water Supply, its Operation and Management in Hubbali – Dharwad City of Karnataka in India. The client is Karnataka Urban Infrastructure Development & Finance Corporation (KUIDFC) with World Bank's co-funding.
The objective of the assignment is to carry out feasibility studies, detailed designs and tender documentation for the following infrastructure:
1) Sio-Sango dam (with connected small hydropower facilities). The characteristics of the dam are:
The main project's component was the detail feasibility study of the dams and supplemental irrigation infrastructure necessary for hillside irrigation at four sites (Nyanza-23 Karongi-12, Karongi-13 and Gatsibo-8). For each dam and irrigation sites, the study included review of existing designs and studies, field visits and geotechnical investigations, detailed design of dams and irrigation networks, preparation of tender documents, design workshops with the Service and the Panel of Experts and dam safety calculations
The scope of this project is the development of a coherent framework of principles and practices, established in international practice, for achieving the overall goal set by the Client and defined as reducing AAWSA’s overall Non-Revenue Water (NRW) from a current level of about 36% to 40% to a level of 20% by the year 2020. Addis Ababa and its surrounding areas has currently population estimated at about 3.5 million inhabitants. The total pressurized water network length is 3,700 Km.
The consultant's scope of service is mainly divided into 6 components. These include: 1) Review of the master plan of the catchments, 2) Identification of stakeholders and clearly show the positive and negative impacts of the project on the stakeholders,