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Country: MALAWI , Year: 2019 - In progress , Client: Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water Development , Funding: Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) , Contract Value: 2,239,529.47USD , Tags: Construction Supervision Services, Dams & Hydropower, Irrigation
The assignment is to be completed through Programme for Rural Irrigation Development (PRIDE) and refers to the development of approximately 1,600ha of irrigable area, under Lot1 (Southern cluster - 7 irrigation schemes spread across in 4 project districts).
The objectives of the present assignment are:
a) To prepare detailed feasibility study reports for the targeted irrigation schemes
b) To prepare climate resilient detailed engineering designs for the targeted irrigation schemes
c) To prepare detailed bidding documents for the works
d) To provide engineering supervision and quality service during the construction works
Feasibility study and detailed design for 11,000 ha - Karangazi Valley Multipurpose Hillside Irrigation Project in Nyagatare District - Eastern Province
Country: RWANDA , Year: 2020 - In progress , Client: Rwanda Agriculture and Animal Development Board , Funding: - , Contract Value: - , Tags: Irrigation
The main objective of the Karangazi Valley Multipurpose Irrigation Project is to increase agricultural and livestock production through provision of infrastructure for irrigation, livestock and domestic water supply by pumping water from Akagera River, which is the only source of sufficient water in the area. A gross area of 11,000 ha gross potential irrigable land and at least 65,000 cattle will be targeted for the supply of water.
The specific Contract objectives can be listed as follows:
• To make the Karangazi Valley Multipurpose Project ready for implementation • To provide RAB, within the scheduled time, with the Feasibility Study, Detailed Designs and Tender Documentation
• To provide the services in full compliance with the requirements of the Terms of Reference (ToR) and the overall requirements of the Project Contract.
• To ensure that the developed project will be: ➢ In accordance with the countries development objectives; ➢ Technically sound and the best of the alternatives; ➢ Attractive to the intended beneficiaries; ➢ Operationally and managerially workable; ➢ Economically and financially viable; and ➢ Sustainable and environmentally sound.
Country: CYPRUS , Year: 2018 - In progress , Client: Sewerage board of Limassol – Amathus , Funding: National Funding , Contract Value: 536,671.78 USD , Tags: Construction Supervision Services, Sewage and Wastewater, Storm Water Networks and Flood prevention
The main objective of the Sewerage Board of Limassol - Amathus (SBLA) is the construction, operation and maintenance of the public sewerage and stormwater drainage system of the Greater Limassol Area and therefore to improve the hygienic and environmental conditions and the quality of life in the area. The implementation and operation of the system has and is still contributing substantially in the economic activity in the city.
The scope of the service consists of:
- Review, validate and update the existing studies for the proposed stormwater drainage network including the bill of quantities
- Check the proposed design of stormwater drainage system to identify and resolve any utility conflicts especially the conflicts concerning the house connections of the sewerage system.
- Prepare and submit the Traffic Management Plan that includes details of where and when works will be undertaken (Critical Path Analysis).
- Prepare Health and Safety Policy (Framework Directive) in accordance with the relevant Laws and Regulations of the Republic of Cyprus and SBLA Health and Safety Policy
- Assess the existing data regarding the Road Condition and conduct additional geological surveys, if needed.
- Evaluate the Hydraulic Capacity Analysis of the existing Stormwater Drainage System including the proposed system, by developing a model for various Return Periods.
- Prepare the Bidding Documents for the procurement of works
- Provide specifications and supplementary information on the works to be procured.
- Evaluate the bids submitted by the contractor and submit Tender Evaluation Report.
- Construction Supervision
- Project Management
Country: KENYA , Year: 2018 - 2021 , Client: Rift Valley Water Services Board , Funding: African Development Bank , Contract Value: 742,473.00 USD , Tags: Dams & Hydropower, Infrastructure, Irrigation
The objective of the Amaya dam project is to harness, conserve, and control and utilize the flood waters of the Amaya stream catchment. The project main target is to supply domestic and irrigation water to the areas within Churo, Tangulbei and Silale wards in Baringo County and Amaya location in Samburu County. This development will contribute to reduction of conflicts arising from water scarcity in the area, increase towards agricultural activities and improvement of the livelihoods of the communities in the area. The proposed 48 m Height Dam is expected to serve a population of about 50,000 people and their livestock and irrigation of about 480 Ha.
Improving and Updating Rwanda Irrigation Master Plan
Country: RWANDA , Year: 2018 - 2020 , Client: RWANDA AGRICULTURE AND ANIMAL RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT BOARD , Funding: National Funding , Contract Value: 738,208.00 USD , Tags: Irrigation
The assignment requires the update of Rwanda’s Irrigation Master Plan (IMP) and the identification of suitable land for irrigation purposes with the aim of supporting new investments. The updating will take into consideration the changing dynamics and the introduction of new irrigation technologies, the new land use covers and policies, the developing and altered national policy thrusts by incorporating the findings of the Water Resources Master Plan of 2013.
Following the inception of the IMP (2010) several key issues have occurred concerning some of the data provided in IMP (2010), such as the current land use covers, the estimated irrigation potential, and the figures of it being in-consistent compared to the Water Resources Master Plan. The requirement to update the old IMP becomes impera-tive considering the inconsistency of the data provided in several reports and studies and the necessity to provide a comprehensive and harmonized framework for investments in irrigation development.
Thus, the objective of the consultancy is to review, update and improve the 2010 Rwanda irrigation master plan and to prepare an associated investment framework to support investments in irrigation development. The plan will have to be technically feasible, environmentally and socially sustainable.
Developing an integrated Urban Water Management Master Plan for Marondera Municipality
Country: ZIMBABWE , Year: 2018 - 2019 , Client: Ministry of Environment, Water and Climate (MoEWC) , Funding: African Development Bank , Contract Value: 1,520,795.00 USD , Tags: Sewage and Wastewater, Water Supply & Water Distribution
The overall project goal is to provide the Municipality of Marondera with an innovative and integrated approach that will ensure the sustainable management of water and sanitation for Marondera’s population. The main project objective is to develop an In-tegrated Urban Water Management Master Plan for Marondera Municipality for a 20-year horizon which will pave way for sustaina-ble management of water and wastewater in the Municipality of Marondera. The consultancy will mainly involve the following:
(i) Undertake critical assessment of the status of water supply and sanitation infrastructure (ii) Develop an Integrated Water Supply and Sanitation Masterplan (iii) Develop a sub-catchment Water Resources Development Strategic Plan for the sub catchments directly impacting/impacted by the Marondera town. (iv) Undertake an institutional analysis
Feasibility Study, Detailed Design & Environmental & Social Impact Assessment of a new Muhazi Dam
Country: RWANDA , Year: 2018 - 2019 , Client: Rwanda Water & Forestry Authority (Rwanda for Growth Program) , Funding: Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Kigali , Contract Value: 504,482.00 USD , Tags: Dams & Hydropower
The assignment includes the Feasibility study and the Detailed Design for a new dam at the outlet of Muhazi Lake, as well as the respective environmental and social impact studies. The project is part of the IWRM Programme- Water for Growth Rwanda.
Developing an Integrated Urban Water Management Master Plan for Marondera Municipality
Country: ZIMBABWE , Year: 2018 - 2019 , Client: Ministry of Environment, Water and Climate (MoEWC) , Funding: African Development Bank , Contract Value: 1,520,795.00 USD , Tags: Sewage and Wastewater
The overall project goal is to provide the Municipality of Marondera with an innovative and integrated approach that will ensure the sustainable management of water and sanitation for Marondera’s population. The main project objective is to develop an Integrated Urban Water Management Master Plan for Marondera Municipality for a 20-year horizon which will pave way for sustainable management of water and wastewater in the Municipality of Marondera. The consultancy will mainly involve the following:
(i) Undertake a critical assessment of the status of water supply and sanitation infrastructure (ii) Develop an Integrated Water Supply and Sanitation Masterplan (iii) Develop a sub-catchment Water Resources Development Strategic Plan for the sub-catchments directly impacting/impacted by the Marondera town. (iv) Undertake an institutional analysis
Selection & Employment of Consulting Services for Feasibility Study And Detail Design of Waste Water Management System for Mekelle, Adama & Dire Dawa towns
Country: ETHIOPIA , Year: 2017 - 2020 , Client: Ministry of Water Irrigation & Electricity , Funding: International Development Association , Contract Value: 1,041,600.00 USD , Tags: Sewage and Wastewater
The sanitation systems of three large cities Mekelle, Adama and Dire Dawa, are to be examined under this project. The scope of services includes:
- Assessment of existing sanitation situation and infrastructure work
- Feasibility Studies and Detail Design of the new proposed system (and Tender Documents)
- Conceptual Plan and Design Criteria
- Design Components
- Affordability and Cost Recovery
- Project Implementation Plan
- Human Resource Management and Capacity Building
- Conduct preliminary environmental and social Impact
- Detail Design of the proposed WWTP
Country: ETHIOPIA , Year: 2017 - 2021 , Client: A.A.W.S.A. Water and Sanitation Development & Rehabilitation Project Office , Funding: Government of Ethiopia , Contract Value: 1,339,687.00 USD , Tags: Non Revenue Water projects, Water Supply & Water Distribution
The project objectives are summarised as follows:
- Assess the exact current operational management of AAWSA’s network
- Review the, of AAWSA teams responsible for the management of the network operation
- Design review of the current and the future demand of AAWSA customers
- Assess and evaluate the ability of the existing water network system to deliver the service level thresholds with acceptable pressure under continuous water supply regime.
- Study and design the incorporation of the new supply sources in the city water system and identify the required reinforcements in terms of transmission and distribution network works, based on the projected customer demands. In addition study and modify the distribution network boundaries in order to optimise pressure management and also facilitate the supply of the distribution network by shifting when and if required.
- Propose a Risk Management Strategy in case of extreme draught conditions.
- Detailed Design of the identified water system reinforcement works as derived by the studies for the new sources incorporation and the Risk Management Plan, with specifications, BoQs and engineering cost estimates.
- Produce bidding documents for the proposed reinforcement works.
- Training and capacity building of AAWSA personnel on the produced Operation and Maintenance manual and on the provided hydraulic modelling software (WaterCAD) and the models developed for the identification of the network reinforcement works.